Next Steps

Stream at Snows Farm

The Second Pass

Having reached the end of my travels along the two brooks, I decided to go back and revisit particular sections which I felt would warrant viewing in a different season, or where I wasn't able to explore the whole area the first time around, or where I knew something material had changed in the meantime.  I did 10 'repeat walks' between January 2012 and August 2013.

Edges, Woods and Settlements

At the same time, I began to branch out into other parts of the valley and explore what I came to think of as 'edges, woods and settlements'.  'Edges' being walks along the outer rim of the valley on each side, 'woods and settlements' being self-explanatory.  Woods feature very largely in the valley's makeup - it wasn't until I had the opportunity to see the valley from a glider that I realised how large the proportion of woodland really is.  As humans, we naturally tend think of the valley in terms of our settlements, which are actually much less significant now in terms of space than they were in the past, but of course significant in other ways.

I am grateful to those landowners who let me come and bother them a second time.

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