A Place to Start

Walking the two brooks

The Slad and Dillay Brooks are the backbone of the Slad Valley.  Essentially, they are the reason why the valley exists.  So following the two streams through the length of the valley seemed as good a way as any to start the project.

One thing I want to do if possible is to try to see the valley not only from the point of view of its human inhabitants but also as it might appear to the other creatures who live here.  The human vision of the valley depends very much on the position of the roads and public footpaths or, for residents, the position of, and views from, their houses and gardens. It also depends on man-made fences and boundaries.  No footpath follows the whole length of the streams, and they cut through boundaries, so I thought that if I could get permission to walk as close to the water as possible, I should get a different perspective on the valley.

This would have been impossible without the generosity of many different landowners, and the kindness of locals who helped me to identify who to approach.

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